Taylor Sheridan quickly became a household name with his Western drama series Yellowstone. The series follows the Dutton family (led by Kevin Costner’s John Dutton), who own the largest ranch in Montana. It weaves an intricate line of drama, romance, mystery, and murder, and became a huge success. In fact, it was so successful it went on to spawn a franchise with many spin-offs in various timelines. The most recent of which was the Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren-led 1923, which promptly saw an earlier generation of the Dutton family navigate the early 20th century. But back in December 2021, we got the first addition to the Yellowstone universe with 1883, which follows the late 19th-century generation of Duttons, led by James (Tim McGraw) and Margaret Dutton (Faith Hill), as they head across the plains in search of a place to call home.
This Is the Hottest Moment in ‘1883’
“I’m wooing you.”